How It Works
We would love to show you the clickLearner tool and the benefits it could offer you. How can it help to improve the outcomes your current activities or overcome the challenges you face? We will show you the system in detail.
As a clickLearner client, your training assessments or research would be hosted on your own branded sub-site of the clickLearner website.
A challenge is the name we have given to the actual assessments and research activities which are created online.
You can add any number of users to the system. You can upload single or multiple users and then simply allocate the challenges to relevant users. The challenges can be completed on tablets or PC’s in a location suit you. The respondents will be asked to interact with the video by clicking on the video to the events which have been set up. At the end of the challenge, the respondents get immediate feedback and you can give them the option of repeating the challenge.
You can review the progress of the challenges at anytime. Results, by individual / group, are available for immediate download.
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